Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Uh oh

I'm becoming too good at excuses... My refrigerator broke, so I have no cold water or ice.  I used this as the perfect excuse to stay in bed.  After all, I can't run if I don't have hydration, right? Ugggghhhh!  I should have ran.

Now I'm waiting for the refrigerator guy.  Maybe I can run at lunch, or after work.  I'm annoyed with myself.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Go right because there's no shortcuts to the top

Earlier today I wrote about missing my morning run.  I had open water swim this evening, which usually tires me out, between the current and the heat.  I went for a longer than normal swim.  My trainer commented that I was swimming fast (!).  But I couldn't shake that feeling of disappointment about missing my morning run.

So I stopped at Whole Foods (that always makes me feel better) then headed home.  I ate a bit of my quinoa salad, then decided it had cooled down enough outside (104 degrees, but at least the sun was down) for me to log my 2 miles.  I grabbed the wiener dog (I also feel guilty about leaving the dogs alone for too long) and headed out. The first 1/4 mile felt loooooong.

At almost the 1/2 mile mark I had a choice.  Go left, and I'm home in about a mile, or go right and I'm locked in to just over 2 miles.  Mind you, at this point I'm still feeling bleh, and a mile sounded so do-able and the 2 sounded like an impossible mission.

I decided to let the dog decide.  Subconsciously I knew the dog wouldn't turn left, because that would require crossing the street... I went right. 

This is huge to me.  I had a chance to get out of something, to take the easy way, and I passed that up.  My current motto is "No shortcuts to the top"  I feel a huge amount of pride right now.  We finished the run at a slow, but decent given the conditions and the preceding swim.  Now I'm ready to sleep and sleep and sleep.

Oh - in unfortunate news, my refrigerator decided to take a crap.  It's not looking good at all.  The freezer stuff is unsalvageable, and I'm hoping the refrigerator side can maybe hold on until tomorrow, when I'll try and transport some of the stuff to my work fridge.  Grrrr.  



I woke up this morning to a crampy abdomen. I walked around a little bit but the pain didn't go away.  So I went back to bed and curled up in a ball, thus missing my run.  When I got up around 7, all the pain was gone.  Now I'm mad at myself for not running.  I'm swimming in the lake after work, then I may try to run, but if it is still 100+ degrees outside, I 'm not doing it. I'm so tired of hot weather!!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Well! You ask, you receive!

My last post was just after a horrible, awful, emotional, disastrous run.  Well!  Saturday I had an AMAZING run.  Things went well, and I'd say on a scale of 1 to 10 it was an 8 or 8.5.  The only two downfalls were my ovaries being all crampy (booo!) and the fact that I still run sloooooooow.  BUT - I did run 14:57 minute mile average over 4 miles.  That is very very slow, but it is my fastest speed yet!  Oh, also, my knee was a little sore later that day and today.  But nothing horrible.

I actually felt like I had a good amount of energy that day, and I think my nutrition last week was pretty solid.  One of my goals was to get greens in every day, and I did.  The only downside is I haven't done that well with my greens this weekend.  But, I am aspiring to keep my nutrition on track again this week, and hopefully have another awesome run this Saturday!

Goals for this week:
1.  Maintain good nutrition momentum
2.  Continue with the 3/2 run walk split.
3.  Be in bed no later than 10 each night

Successes last week:
1.  Ate greens every day
2.  Got guest bedroom cleaned and reset back into my reading room (ahhh bliss!)
3.  Limited carbs in the evening, and came up with evening light meal ideas
4.  Aced a personal goal that I'll discuss in a future post sometime in the future.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Today I hate running....

I can't even call today's run a run.  Not even 1/2 a mile in to it I was emotional. I felt tired.  I didn't want to run.  I didn't want to think about the 1/2 marathon.  I was just a mess.  I wanted to go crawl back into bed and cry.

It's been a couple hours, and I've regained control of my emotions, mostly.  I am still so frustrated with running.  I don't feel like I'm improving, I feel like I'm getting worse.  I just need a good run.  I need to not feel tired, and I need to not feel pain.

Logical me thinks it's got to be nutrition and form related.  I actually don't think I've been eating enough and that's why I feel so tired.  Emotional me thinks I just don't have the heart, and I'm beating myself up inside.  I keep thinking I should just toughen up and power through.  Yet I can't.  UGH!  Bad run day.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Open water swimming

Yesterday was my first training in the open water for the swim I am doing on October 1.  It went well, but there were a few things I wasn't expecting.

  • Choppy - the water was choppy.  Depending on which direction I was swimming, the current would sometimes throw me a little off course.  I'd look up to sight, and would be completely disoriented. 
  • Panic - this only happened once, and it was about 15 minutes into the swim.  My mind got the best of me, and my thoughts started to spiral.  "I can't see the bottom, I can't see in front of me, I can't see to the side, am I even moving at all????"  Fortunately I was able to pull it together quite quickly, but I understand now the fear that some people feel, it was almost like a claustrophobia. 
  • Fear - I saw a fish, maybe.  Then I was sure it was really an eel.  And that it was swimming right around me.  I panicked, flailed a little, lost my stroke.  I think it may have been reflection from the water movement (stare at a pool that has water movement and you'll see what I mean), and I'm going to continue with that assumption because creatures freak me out! 
What I'm really proud of is my ability to reign my emotions in and talk myself into a calm state more than once.  I really didn't have any other choice, but I was able to handle the situation quite quickly.

My running is going ok.  I took last Saturday off due to backache (girl problems) and staying out the night before until 2 AM.  I still have to run about 3 minutes and walk 2.  My pace is a 15 minute mile.  Lethargically slow.  I am hoping that as weight comes off my body and the weather cools down I can really pick up some speed and endurance.  Learning how to run has been pretty challenging, and I can't think of anything else I've done that seems so easy on the surface, but takes so long to master.  Ha, maybe if I hadn't quit golf.

My eating is getting cleaner and cleaner, but I'm still struggling with carb cravings at night.  What do non-carb eaters eat at night when they're hungry?  Veggies and protein don't sound good at all.    

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy August

Welcome to week 3 of working out with super corehore Nancy.  Here's the good stuff - after months and months (years?) of trying to find the right training, trying to figure out what works, trying to get it all in, I think I've found what works for me.

First, I never thought I'd say this.  I have no idea how it happened (well I kind of do).  I started working out in the morning.  And sometimes at night too.  I don't make excuses in the morning.  I don't know how I do it.  Part of it's because I'm accountable to Nancy.  But I'm also accountable to myself.  I do not miss workouts. I just wake up and get it done.  So at night I don't go out.  Partially because I'm tired and partially because I don't want to ruin the next day.

Second, I started keeping a food log.  Ya, I've done it before on the computer.  But what really works is writing it on paper.  I get to be creative.  I can easily look back the last few days.  I like my notebook.  It's working.

Third, I'm eating every two hours.  Yes, every two.  This is like a dream for me, I love to eat!  Since I write everything down I don't eat crappy food.  The hard part is thinking of what to eat.  Do people really eat vegetables every day?  I honestly wonder that.

That's about it.  I was sort of losing motivation, the runs have been hard.  But tomorrow I'm doing a treadmill workout (trainer's suggestion), which I'm actually looking forward to - softer surface, cooler air, and a steady pace.  As I blog this I'm watching a 300 pound woman train for a half marathon on TV.  (sigh)  I know I can finish the 13 miles, piece of cake.  I just want to be able to run it, not walk it.  I don't want to have to worry about the 4 hour cut off.  I'd like to finish under 3.  OK - real time update - I looked up reality TV girl.  She finished in 4:45.  I've gotta do under 3.  I'm slightly remotivated.