Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You're doing it wrong

Greetings from Florida. I did some open water swimming this morning in the ocean. It was great, difficult, but nice. I did get a bit freaked out when I saw a big school of fish swim by. I was pretty sure they were swimming away from a shark. I went to explore the tourist area, and had dinner, including four beers. Ummm, 2 hours later I did a 3 mile run. Brilliant. Do not drink before your run. I still got through it, but I do not recommend it. Tomorrow I go parasailing. Can't wait!

Monday, September 19, 2011

I panic.

First, the good news.  My running is going well.  Now the shitty news.  I freaked out yesterday in the water.  I continued my swim anyway, but I got sick afterwards.  It was my first time in a wet suit on Lake Mead, and I don't know what happened, but I felt like I couldn't breathe and I freaked.  When I got out of the water, I felt barfy.  I took some anti-nausea meds, and felt better for a bit, but later last night I felt pukey again and had to take more anti-nausea stuff.

Now, here I am in Florida, wet suit hanging in my hotel room closet, and I've got to get over this anxiety.  The water here is very calm, so that should make it a bit easier.  Bleh.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Whew, I'm sleepy but here we go!

It's 7:15 and I'm already sleepy.  I guess that's a good thing, as I need to be up tomorrow around 4:45.  Hey, if I hurry and go to bed I can get 8 hours of solid zzzzz's.

Well, the weather here in hell Las Vegas is finally starting to cool down, and just like my super awesome, super smart trainer told me it would, the run is getting easier!!!  I never thought I'd see the day.

In other news, I don't feel like I've been swimming enough, and I have a 2.4 mile swim on October 1.  I just haven't been able to cram the swim in.  I'm sure I'll be fine, I just could use a little confidence boost.  It's a really long time to be swimming without stopping.

That's really all there is to report.  OH, and last week I learned that nutrition really is extra super important when your training.  Yeah, my super smart trainer told me that too.